In July 1940, the newly created federal Department of War Services named several service organizations to be official auxiliary service providers for the armed forces both at home and abroad. They were the Knights of Columbus, the YMCA, the YWCA, the Canadian Legion, the Salvation Army, and the IODE. The part played by some of these organizations at the local level is described in the website "Summerside Hospitality During World War II."
Most of these national bodies conducted their own fundraising in the early days of the war. By February 1941, it became apparent to government that the most effective and efficient way for these groups to raise funds would be in one giant campaign. The Canadian War Services Inc undertook the task. Local newspapers carried numerous articles and ads related to the special drive which began 24 March 1941. On that day Summerside and Charlottetown were "bombed with pamphlets dropped from an RAF training plane." Two days before, an inaugural supper had revealed the names of the canvassers.
The local campaign was considered a big success and by mid-April a letter had arrived from local MP J. L. Ralston congratulating the county on doubling its quota of $8000. An article in September 1941 noted that the Island percentage was 208% of its goal while the national average was 124%.
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