Summerside was one of the locations for an Aircraft Detection Corps. Early in the fall of 1942 a local corps was organized. By November a meeting held for chief observers and official observers extended an invitation to the public, both men and women, to become members of the organization. On the 20th of the month Flt-Lt Foot of the RAF in Charlottetown addressed an audience that filled the Summerside Town Hall. Those in attendance saw silhouettes of various types of aircraft and learned how the Island was divided into six regions with chief observers for every 48 square miles. Each chief observer was responsible for enrolling as many official observers as possible. Flt-Lt Foot outlined instructions for reporting a strange plane to the Charlottetown Observation Post located on the roof of Hotel Charlottetown. He announced that observer's handbooks would soon be made available to all workers.
An item in an October 1943 newspaper noted that a lecture to be given at the No. 1 General Reconnaissance School was to be attended by all chief and official observers. The regional director for Summerside Major T.H.E. Inman presided. The special speaker was William Burke of the RCAF Eastern Air Command who used a large map to illustrate how a plane could be tracked.

In November 1944 the Corps was officially disbanded. An extensive article in the press reviewed its four-year history in the Maritimes, praising the participation of over 20,000 workers.
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