In a lead up to the campaign held 1-20 October 1945, the Journal outlined the need and commented, "This town has never fallen down in aiding any worthy object and in this one nation-wide clothing collection for Allied war relief we will again do our part." An organizational meeting was held in Summerside on 14 August with the decision to assign work to the service groups in town.
During the first week of October volunteers from the Y's Men's club, the Rotary Club, and the Kinsmen Club made house-to-house calls. They listed the households where contributions would be ready for pick up. The following week cars and trucks carried out the actual collection. The third week was called the "Clean Up" week and any remaining work was done. Receiving stations were set up at the Town Hall. Cardboard boxes holding a minimum of 25 pounds were sent to Moncton where items were fumigated and repacked for transport overseas.
The local campaign was considered to be very successful. The drive was extended for a short time in order to collect bedding and footwear. Island wide the response was well above the five million pounds anticipated. An open letter from Lt Gov J.A. Bernard indicated that the province had collected over 12 million pounds.
Another national clothing drive was held from 17 to 29 June 1946. Teams canvassed door to door in Summerside and items were packed at the depot in the town hall.
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