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(Air Raid Precaution)

Jim Schurman recalls the air raid practices when the ARP would be out patrolling. He and his friends were interested to see what was going on, but would be told by the authorities to head for home.
Submitted: April 2005

Lowell Huestis still has his father's ARP helmet and coat. He recalls that his father also had one of the stirrup pumps and kept a bucket of sand in the attic as a means of controlling a fire from an incendiary bomb. People in town were particularly nervous about enemy attack after word spread that a submarine was spotted in the Northumberland Strait.
Submitted: April 2005

Mildred Savidant remembers her father being a warden with the ARP. He would put on his armband to go out on patrol around the neighbourhood. It was the duty of the wardens to check for light from windows and to make sure that everyone was off the street.
Submitted: April 2005

Gerard Dalton recalls that during the air raid drills his father would lead the family to the basement where they stayed until the practice was over. On at least one occasion Gerard was able to see through the basement window to Granville Street where ARP firemen attached a hose to the hydrant using a flashlight beam to illuminate their work. He also remembers that he and his friends used to peek into the garage in the backyard of the C.B. Morris house. It was located across the street from the Dalton house and was used as a storage shed for some of the ARP equipment.
Submitted: January 2005

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