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Visiting Dignitaries
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Many Summerside and area residents had opportunities to visit RCAF Station Summerside when dignitaries visited the facilities. There were several noteworthy individuals who visited the base from 1941-45.

The most important visitor was the Duke of Kent. He and his official party flew into the Summerside Airport on September 2, 1941. The plan to have civilians leave their automobiles in the large ball field outside the Station and stand along the runway was changed because of wind and rain. A Summerside Journal article described the hundreds of cars that lined the edge of the #2 runway as people tried to get a glimpse of the Duke who was officially welcomed by RCAF and Summerside representatives.

There were various times that government and town officials were invited to attend special functions. Premier Thane Campbell and Mrs. Campbell attended afternoon tea in the Officers' Mess along with many other guests in April 1941. The Rt. Hon. Malcolm McDonald, High Commissioner of the United Kingdom to Canada visited the station in the company of other dignitaries in July 1941. A luncheon was held in honour of Air Commodore De Niverville who was inspecting the No. 9 School in March 1942. The Hon. John Bracken, leader of the Progressive Conservative party had dinner at the Airport with the officers and a group of local citizens in June 1943.

An example of a less formal visit was the attendance in November 1944 of "imported impartials" for the Miss GRS contest. The panel of judges was comprised of Judge Lewis, Dr. Simpson, Mr. Mitton and Mr. Logan.

Just after the war ended, General Crerar, "the victorious leader of Canada's army in Europe," visited Summerside. A large group of invited guests including Legion members and heads of service groups accompanied him to the airport for a civic luncheon at the Officers' Mess.

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