When the Second World War began, service organizations that existed across Canada wanted to offer support to the men who enlisted. To coordinate this work, the federal government established a Directorate of Auxiliary Services under the Department of National Defence. The Directorate controlled where and how service organizations could provide aid to military personnel. Four agencies were authorized to provide recreational facilities in camps, barracks, and in communities where training bases were located. They were the Knights of Columbus Army Huts, the Young Men's Christian Association War Services, the Canadian Legion War Services, and the Salvation Army War Services.
These organizations each conducted Canada-wide campaigns to raise money for war services. The government was concerned that citizens would be overwhelmed with so many separate appeals for money, so the National War Services Department took charge of the situation. It oversaw a combined War Services Fund drive in March 1941 and then doled out the proceeds according to budgets submitted by branches of the authorized agencies to an Advisory Board. Another reason for this control was to clear the way for the major government campaigns for War Savings bonds and Victory Loans.
With the monetary support of the War Services Fund, three sanctioned organizations in Summerside began to open recreational facilities for any military personnel that visited the town. The YMCA Red Triangle Club under the auspices of the Y's Men's Club opened in February 1941, the Legion War Services Club opened on May 2, 1941, and the Knights of Columbus Army Hut opened on June 21, 1941.