Station History
Patriotic Pride
Community Cross-Over
Personal Pathways
Service Clubs
Love of Place
Personal Pathways

Considering the short time that most of the Station personnel were in Summerside, it is amazing to think that so many long lasting relationships were formed. Most of the personnel at RCAF Station Summerside were young and away from their own families. The friendship that local people offered was gladly accepted and in some cases lasted a lifetime.

The consequences of war hit hard as reports of pilot fatalities began to become known. The very real danger that the trainees faced was uppermost in the minds of everyone, thus the importance of family and a home-like atmosphere was a continuous theme as Summerside citizens took strangers into their hearts and homes.

On the brighter side, there were many courtships that took place in the parks, dance halls, and gathering places of the town. Some couples married. Many local girls moved away with their husbands after the war, but a few of them lived their married lives in Summerside.

Many friendships were established between RCAF members and the civilians in Summerside and people kept in touch for years. Graduates and staff of the school came back for vacations and to renew acquaintances. There is at least one graduate living in the area today that came back not because of romance or friendship, but because he fell in love with the Island.

This section of the website has been divided into four areas: Fatalities, Romance, Friendship, and Love of Place.

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